Cuban Caldo Gallego (Galician White Bean Stew)
Cuban Caldo Gallego Soup is delicious and healthy… Serve it with some Cuban bread and enjoy!
Cuban Caldo Gallego Soup is delicious and healthy… Serve it with some Cuban bread and enjoy!
Arroz con Pollo (Yellow Rice and Chicken) is a traditional dish of Spain and Latin America, closely related to paella. This recipe is based on a recipe handed down by my Abuela Mima and brings back memories of all the delicious flavors that were commonplace in her kitchen.
Ropa Vieja (Cuban Shredded Beef Stew) is a very popular Cuban meat stew that is traditionally served with white rice. Many say the dish originated in the Canary Islands (where one of my Abuelas was from) and literally means “old clothes”.
Frijoles Colorados (Cuban Red Beans) are usually served over white rice and can be eaten with just about any meat, chicken or seafood. They also freeze very well so you can make a big pot and even enjoy them as a weekday meal.
Frijoles Negros (Cuban Black Beans) have always been a staple in my family. Nutritious and delicious! Make a pot for dinner on Sunday and eat them with a variety of meals during the week or freeze them for a future meal.
This Crock-Pot French Onion Soup recipe is super easy and makes a fabulous meal anytime of the year.
This Snow Crab and Shrimp Boil recipe couldn’t be easier or more festive. Sweet, spicy one-pot dish that can be made year round.
Picadillo Empanadas are a very common Cuban dish that can be found at any meal, but they usually eaten during lunch or as a snack.
This Cuban-style Picadillo recipe is a traditional Cuban dish featuring ground beef, raisins, capers, and olives simmered in tomato sauce and wine. Delicioso!
This Chicken Vegetable Noodle Soup (Caldo de Pollo con Fideos) has been a staple in my family for as long as I can remember. Seems like every time I wasn’t feeling well, this is what I got and somehow, it made me feel better.
Garbanzo Bean Soup is a hearty and nutritious soup that can be enjoyed by itself or as part of a larger meal. Cook it low and slow!